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VUCAの時代の中で In the Era of VUCA

昨今は、VUCAの時代(Volatility 変動性、Uncertainly 不確実性、Complexity 複雑性、Ambiguity 曖昧性)と言われております。


ます、「柔軟性」が必要になりますよね。 頑固に今までの考え方ややり方で行こうとしても抵抗となだけです。 変化を柔軟に受け入れることで、流れに乗ることができます。


また、「自己認識」も大事です。どんなに外部の環境が不安定になっていても、自分を知っていれば安定してそこにいることができます。 大きな波が来ても自分を認識している船は、どんな波にもうまく乗っていける大型船になっているはずです。




Recently, it has been said that we are in the age of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity).

How can we live happily in such a rapidly changing and uncertain world?

We need to be flexible. Stubbornly sticking to the old ways of thinking and doing things will only lead to resistance. By flexibly accepting change, we can go with the flow.

Without “Goals and Vison,” you will be lost without knowing where to go. Even in difficult times, even in times of darkness, if you have this goal, it will serve as a beacon of light to guide you where to go.

Self-awareness is also important. No matter how unstable the external environment may be, if you know yourself, you can stay there with stability. A ship that is aware of itself when big waves come in will be a large ship that can successfully ride any wave.

And “networking and community” will be especially important in the future.

I believe that the building of networks and communities by supporting each other with self-reliance and strengthening relationships of trust will help us move into the new era that lies ahead.

The most important thing is to nurture the ability to see the truth for oneself (the ability to try to see). I believe that we must find the shining light in any situation, walk the path of self-growth, and live in gratitude for everything.


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